The Black Berkey® purification elements combine the age-old process of micro-porous filtration with state-of-the-art technology and the highest quality materials to bring you the finest water purification system available anywhere.
We at Berkey want you to be educated about water purification. This will allow you to make an informed decision on something as important as the quality of your drinking water. Several methodologies are used to produce the Black Berkey® purification elements.
This system comes standard with two elements. The more elements your Berkey system is equipped with, the quicker you’ll be drinking crisp, clear water.
Berkey Water Filters are MADE in USA and provide the ultimate in waterborne contamination removal. They are used worldwide to set the international standard for water filters used in clean or hostile filtration environments. Owning a Berkey Water Filter gives you the ability to utilize almost any outside natural water source and transform it into the best tasting, purest drinking water possible.The cleanable Black Berkey replacement filters provide an economical, reliable and powerful long-term solution to poor water quality issues that cannot be equaled.
Please don`t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, we are always happy to help!